Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nothing profound

First, I would like to wish my sister, Rachel Friedman, a very happy 22nd birthday!!!!  I wish I could be there to help you celebrate!

Not much has happened since the last post.  I am loving it here!  However, before we arrived in Korea, Zach and I swore that we would study the language and be able to speak and read Korean at least a little.  Since being here, we have done little studying.  After speaking to other couples who came together, we found that is quite common.  We came as a couple and always have each other.  People who come by themselves don't necessarily have people to speak English every hour of the day.  Since we have each other, we fall into speaking English instead of forcing ourselves to learn the language.  The same is true for meeting new people.  If you come by yourself, you are forced to meet people unless you want to be a loner.  Zach and I have each other, so it (kind of) gives us an excuse to not HAVE to hang out with others....which is a bad thing.  We came here to experience new things and meet new people.

The last couple of weekends have been great though.  Zach and I went to a bar last weekend just thinking we would have a couple of drinks and go home.  Well, we met some people and hung out with them all night.  We left the bar around 2am and then went to a Nori Bang (pronounced Nori Bong) which is a karaoke place in Korea.  You can basically rent a room and have your own little karaoke party with your friends.  That was an interesting experience.  Next time I go, I think I'm going to have to be way drunk!!!!
new friends

These new friends also taught us several Korean drinking games.  One game (not even involving alcohol) involves slapping, or rather, hit others' hands.  It can get really violent!
the violent "hitting" game

This past weekend, a girl named Brandy was leaving to go back to the States for a few weeks for a vacation. A few of us had dinner then we went bowling and had a few drinks.

Also this weekend, one of the very first "foreigners" we met in Korea got married.  We couldn't go to the wedding because we were waiting on the electrician (another long story) but we were able to go to the reception.  Normally, Korean weddings don't have receptions but Nic and Se Min rented one of the bars and invited their friends to help them celebrate.  It was great to see them so happy and I met some great new people!!
 The happy couple.  Se Min is giving a speech.
 Just some of the people at the reception.
The Iksan Girls!!

I've had a lot of fun meeting new people and I look forward to getting to know them and hanging out with them more!

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